Here is How to Pick Out the Best Watermelon

Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash

Picking out a watermelon at a market or grocery store is often a gamble. You never know what you are getting until you bring it home and slice it up. Sometimes it turns out perfect and just the way you like, but other times it’s quite disappointing and tasteless.

If you want to move the odds in your favor and be able to pick out the best watermelon every time, there are the things you need to pay attention to.


Great melons are always uniformly shaped regardless of whether they are round or oval. Avoid watermelons that have some bumps or dents on them.

Weight and Size

If the watermelon seems small but heavy, it’s the one you should go for. This usually means more sweetness and water.

Yellow and White Spots

The spots on the watermelon are also a great way to figure out what’s inside. The yellow spots are good, as they indicate that the watermelon is quite ripe. The white spots mean the opposite.

Overall Color

The overall color of the watermelon is a great way to see if it’s ripe. The watermelons with dark green color are ripe, while the ones that seem bright and almost shiny are unripe in most cases.