Here’s How to Concoct 007’s Famous Vesper Martini

Photo by Ambitious Studio on Un

If you love James Bond movies and dream of exuding the sophistication of your favorite secret agent, then learning how to make a vesper martini is for you. Here’s how you can whip up a suave Vesper martini just like 007 enjoys.


  • 1 ounce vodka
  • 3 ounces gin
  • 1/2 ounce Lillet Blanc, or dry vermouth, depending on your preference
  • The peel of 1 lemon


  1. Before you start to gather your ingredients, chill a cocktail glass in the fridge.
  2. Get a hold of a cocktail shaker and pour the vodka, gin, and Lillit Blanc or dry vermouth inside.
  3. Shake the mixture well until blended.
  4. Take out the chilled cocktail glass and pour the mixture inside.
  5. Place a lemon peel on the rim of the glass before serving.