Honey and Cinnamon is the Ultimate Dynamo Flavor Combination

Image by ExplorerBob from Pixabay

Honey and cinnamon are not only a dynamic flavor combination, they both hold amazing healing properties that, when combined, are unstoppable.

Cinnamon boosts your metabolism, has loads of anti-oxidants, and even improve blood sugar levels. Honey also has anti-oxidant properties, along with anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. Combing them makes them each stronger, and added to any food makes it even more delicious.



Although butter is definitely not healthy, making it cinnamon honey butter makes it worth it. Combine 1 cup of softened butter with 1/3 cup of honey and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon. Spread that on toast in the morning or even on some apple slices, and you have got something good.


Whether you are an avid tea drinker or just like to start your day with something other than coffee, adding cinnamon and honey to your tea will make sure your day gets off to the right start.

All you have to do is add in a teaspoon or so of honey to your favorite tea blend, along with a shake or two of cinnamon. If you want to be even healthier, forgo the tea and just use hot water. This is a great way to get your metabolism and energy up in the morning.