How Long Can You Store Baking Supplies?

Baking is fun, but how often do you get to do it? If it’s not very often, perhaps it’s time to check if the baking supplies in your cupboards are still good. Here’s how to know if it’s still okay to use some of the basic baking supplies.

Sugar and Salt

Sugar and salt don’t really go bad. Sometimes sugar forms clumps, but you can just break them up and move on. Basically, you can keep sugar and salt in your pantry indefinitely without worrying that something will happen to them.

The same is true for real vanilla extract that has a high alcohol content.


There’s no baking without flour and you don’t want to allow your flour to spoil. The main reasons it can spoil are rancidity, mold, and insect infestation, all of which can be prevented if you store flour in an airtight container. You can keep refined wheat flour for around a year like this if needed, but the shelf-life is much shorter for some whole grain flours.


Keep oils and fats in a cool, dark, and dry place and follow the packaging instructions. Some only last for a few months, while others are good for a whole year.