How to Make Oreo Popcorn

Oreo popcorn
Photo by Israel Albornoz on Unsplash

Sometimes you’ve got a serious craving for sweet and salty together. Or maybe you’re about to watch a movie and you want to combine your candy and popcorn. Whatever your reason, Oreo popcorn is a delicious treat…and it’s surprisingly easy to make. Here’s how to make it right at home.

What You’ll Need

  • About 5 Oreos (regular or double-stuff)
  • A bowl of your favorite kind of popcorn
  • Half a bar of white chocolate
  • A microwave
  • a Ziplock bag

What You’ll do

  1. Start by microwaving the white chocolate until it’s mostly melted. Do this by microwaving on mid-power heat in 20-second intervals, in order to avoid burning the chocolate. Mix between each microwaving and as soon as mixing gets rid of all the solid piece, it’s ready to go.
  2. The next thing to prepare is the Oreos. If you love Oreos or a cookies and cream that’s heavy on the cookies, use one or two extra. If you prefer a lighter, less sweet popcorn then use one or two fewer than suggested. Put your Oreos in the Ziplock bag, seal, and use anything you have lying around to crush them up.
  3. Finally it’s time to mix it all together! Pour your chocolate and Oreos over the popcorn and mix gently until the popcorn is coated.