If Your Crème Brûlée Isn’t Turning Out How You Like, See If These Tips Might Help

Photo by Alex Munsell on Unsplash

Crème brûlée is a yummy and easy dessert to make, but if you don’t have the right recipe or follow every step exactly, it won’t come out how you like. But, to get it right really is easy, you just need to get into the routine of doing things, and this guide will certainly help you out.


After you’ve mixed together with your eggs in one bowl and heated up your cream in a saucepan, you’re supposed to temper the eggs with the hot cream. This means you have to slowly add the cream into the eggs so their temperature will come up, but not so fast that they’ll cook and turn to scrambled eggs. If you’re having this problem, add the cream in slower and whisk constantly.


The type of ramekin you use to bake your crème brûlée will definitely affect how it cooks. The best type to use is something that’s wide and shallow, so you get an even cook throughout the custard.

Water Bath

Not every recipe suggests using a water bath, which is to pour water around the ramekins, but you really have to. A water bath ensures that every part of the custard gets cooked because the water will get hot and cook the bottom and sides of the crème brûlée.
