Make Flawless Fried Eggs With This Hack

Fried egg on toast
Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

A fried egg is more than just a breakfast food. Not only are they an egg-cellent source of protein (sorry, we had to), but they also contain important nutrients like vitamin B6, B12, and vitamin D, which makes them an ideal ingredient to start your day on. 

But fried eggs also go wonderfully on burgers, in sandwiches, and, of course, as a part of dozens of Asian noodle and rice dishes. So how do you make a perfect fried egg?

If scrambled eggs are the easiest, and poached eggs are the hardest, fried eggs fall somewhere in the middle. Although they seem simple, it can be tricky to get the egg white cooked but not burnt and to make sure the yellow is still runny but does not break. 

One way to fulfill your eggy dreams is to use water. 

Add a small amount of oil to a skillet on medium heat and crack in your eggs. After about 30 seconds, add some hot water to the pan and begin basting the eggs. Within 5 minutes, you should have fried eggs with runny yolks and set whites without a burnt edge or broken center in sight!