An Orange a Day, Keeps the Doctor Away

Photo by Jonathan Pielmayer on Unsplash

We all know the saying: ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away,’ but this sentence could alo be said about oranges. With all the antioxidants and nutrients inside the orange, it is safe to say that oranges are as healthy, if not even more than apples.

Oranges keep you healthy with a good amount of fiber, vitamin C, folate, thiamine, and potassium. They are low in calories but keep in mind that orange juice is higher in sugar and calories and are lower in fiber than raw oranges.

Being high in antioxidants, oranges also enhances immunity, help fighting cancer, improves the heart health and brain function and keeps the skin healthy.

Different Varieties of Oranges

There are different types of oranges, which all fall under the same family. Navel oranges, clementines, blood oranges, Seville oranges, Valencia oranges and more. They all fall into one of three categories: sweet, bitter and mandarins.

Oranges vs. Apples

When comparing the nutritional content of apples and oranges, we can see that oranges are lower in calories and fiber and are higher in vitamins. Apples are also rich in antioxidants and they both bring a unique set of nutrients and health benefits.