These Extra Tips Will Help You Get Perfect Biscuits Every Time

Biscuits are such a crucial part of southern cuisine. They’re buttery, flakey, and work perfectly in both savory and sweet applications. Even if you’ve followed a recipe to a tee, it can still be difficult to perfect. If you need some reinforcements, this biscuit will help you get perfect biscuits every time.


Unlike pastries, you don’t need the butter to be freezing cold. However, you do want to cut it up into cubes and stick it into the freezer for at least 15-20 minutes. This will give your biscuits that flakey texture.


To ensure you get nice layers, once you’ve rolled out your dough, cut the dough into large pieces and stack them one on top of the other. Then, roll the stack out and you can go ahead and cut out the biscuits. By stacking the dough you will definitely get a flakey biscuit.

Stamping Out

When you take your biscuit cutter or glass to stamp out the biscuits, do as many as you can to try and leave as little dough scraps as possible. You can’t re-roll the dough scraps to make more dough, but you can carefully take the scraps and put them inside the circle cut-outs and stamp out more to have funkier shaped biscuits.