What Happens when you Eat Meat after a Long Period of Abstinence

Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash

If you’ve been meatless for a while, your body is going to have to adjust if you plan to eat it again. Here’s what you should expect.

You’ll feel bloated

You might feel bloated and even get constipated because your body is not used to digesting meat. If you’re eating meat for the first time in a long time, only try a small piece. Add digestive enzymes such as papaya.

You might get heartburn

Your stomach might hurt after eating meat because it doesn’t know how to digest it. This might result in heartburn, especially if the meat is high in fat. Fat leaves the stomach slower than proteins or carbs, so your digestion will feel different.

You’ll get full faster

Meaty meals make you feel fuller than a meat-free diet. You might even lose some weight because of this. Meat also takes a lot longer for your digestive system to break down than fruit and vegetables.