What is the Difference Between Black and Green Tea?

Black and green tea are the two most popular varieties of one of the world’s most popular beverages.

Did you know that black and green tea come from the same plant?

Tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush. After being harvested, these leaves go through a process which cures and preserves them, keeping them fresh and retaining their delicious flavors and antioxidant properties.

Despite coming from the same plant, black and green teas have different flavors and go through different processes to reach their final product.

First, let’s explain green tea.

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日本語は↓にあります。 This is a personal post I want to share with you.  Mr. Sugiyama from Shibakirien, the owner of this golden tea farm, passed away a year ago.   His tea, "Zairai(native cultivar) white leaf tea", is rich in sweetness and umami flavor, and the mild sweetness stays on my tongue for a long time.   His wife decided to preserve the farm and his tea with their children.   My tea friend Asami @ochahiyokomame shared his words with me.  "In the process of rolling tea by hand, touching tea leaves reminds me of my appreciation to nature for keeping me alive, and reminds me of how important is to preserve what I have learned with tea and to pass it to the next generation”  I wish his tea and his thought will be passed to the next generations.  個人的な投稿です。  一年前、この金色の茶畑の園主、しばきり園の杉山さんが急逝されました。  杉山さんが作られていた在来種の白葉茶は、玉露のように濃厚で、優しい甘みが口の中に残り続ける、私の大好きなお茶です。  現在は杉山さんが残した畑を奥様がお子さんと引き継がれています。  以下はお茶仲間の石司さん @ochahiyokomame が教えてくれた、杉山さんの言葉です。  "手揉みでお茶に触れることで、自然への感謝や生かされていること、自分が繋げていかなければいけないことを思い出させてくれる"  杉山さんのお茶や思いが受け継がれていくことを祈って。 #check3025

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Green tea is made from leaves harvested from the plant that are steamed and then dried. This means that they do not undergo an intense heating or crushing process, which preserves the delicate flavors and the mild nature of the tea. The leaves do not undergo oxidation.

Green tea typically has a slightly lower caffeine content and a higher antioxidant content than black tea.

Black tea, on the other hand, is made from leaves that undergo an oxidation process, which produces a stronger flavor and allows the leaves to become dark. This means that black tea has a bit more caffeine than green tea and a stronger flavor.