When Should You Use a Cast Iron Skillet?

Cast iron skillet
Photo by Shameel mukkath on Pexels

Congratulations, you’ve just recently bought a shiny new cast iron skillet, or maybe you’ve had one for a while, and now you’re wondering, “When should I use it?” Cast iron skillets are like a trusty friend in the kitchen, and knowing when to reach for one can make your cooking experience even better. In this article, we’ll explore the best occasions to use your cast iron skillet and unlock its full potential.

Searing Or Frying

One of the perfect times to use a cast iron skillet is when you need to sear or fry. Its ability to distribute heat evenly and maintain high temperatures makes it ideal for achieving that golden-brown crust on meats or vegetables. Whether it’s searing a juicy steak or crisping up some fried chicken, your cast iron skillet is up to the task.


Another excellent occasion to bring out your cast iron skillet is when you want to bake. From cornbread to skillet cookies and even deep-dish pizza, this versatile pan can go from the stovetop to the oven without missing a beat. It’s a handy tool for dishes that require both stovetop and oven cooking. The more you use it, the more you’ll see just how versatile it is!