You Need to Try These Alcohol-Infused Ice Pops from TikTok

Colorful frozen fruit bar ice pops.
Image by beats2/Depositphotos

TikTok users are great at finding ways to bring our favorite childhood snacks and treats back to prominence. But the way they did it with ice pops is really something else.

Some of you might know ice pops under different names, like freezer pops or Fla-Vor-Ice. We are talking about those packets of flavored liquid that you put in the freezer, wait for them to turn to ice, and end up with a refreshing treat.

Recently, creative TikTokers have put a new spin on ice pops by infusing them with alcoholic drinks. This new version seems like a perfect choice for a summer party or when you want to cool yourself on a hot summer day. Best of all, making them is quite easy.

How to Make Alcohol-Infused Ice Pops

First, you’ll need to get some regular ice pop packets and your favorite alcohol. According to TikTok, vodka and rum give the best results.

Next, snip the top of the ice pop packet and pour in a shot of alcohol in it. Re-seal the packet again with a hair iron, and place it in the freezer until iced. And that’s it, that’s the whole trick.

Some TikTokers went a step further, customizing their alcohol-infused ice pops by adding Sour Patches and other candy.

Check out some examples below.