3 Ways to Cook Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes
Anastasia Belousova on Pexels

Sweet potatoes, with their rich flavors, are a versatile ingredient that can be transformed into dozens of sweet and salty dishes. They work great as a side or as a base for your meal. Here are a few ideas to check out. 

Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Roasted sweet potatoes are a quintessential comfort food. Cut the sweet potatoes into chunks or wedges and toss in a mixture of olive oil, salt, and perhaps a sprinkle of cinnamon or paprika. The salty crust formed from the roasting process complements the inner sweetness of the potato, creating a mouthwatering contrast. 

Sweet Potato Salad

This is a fun twist on traditional potato salad. Cube and mix the potatoes with ingredients like onions, celery, or peppers to add crunch and flavor. Add a dressing from olive oil, vinegar, mustard, or lemon juice, along with herbs and spices for a bright twist.

Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchilada

In this dish, the sweetness of potatoes pairs beautifully with the earthiness of the beans and the salty, spicy enchilada sauce poured over the top. Once rolled up and baked, the enchiladas become a melting pot of flavors. The creamy sweetness of the potatoes perfectly cuts through the spicy and salty sauce and filling.