Best Baking Instagram Accounts to Follow

Image via theboywhobakes/Instagram

Baking is not as simple as it appears. You can still become good at it, with a little help from your favorite social media. Thanks to these great baking Instagram accounts we found, you will be a pro in no time. Check them out below.


Natasha is a pastry chef who is obsessed with cooking the most delicious, eye-pleasing baking goods ever. Her specialty is cake in all shapes and forms. Thanks to @butterbaking your skills will be on a whole new level.


Linda comes from Sweden and is obsessed with everything related to baking. That’s why @linda_lomelino is one of the coolest baking Instagram accounts to follow. Her aesthetics is amazing. You can even steal a recipe or two from her blog.


Tara Jensen is the amazing lady behind one of the top trending baking Instagram accounts at the moment. @bakerhands knows everything about baking and even shares it with her followers and students as well.

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Sourdough crust!

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It’s really hard to stay on your healthy diet if you decide to visit this account. Eddie is so amazing at what he does. His recipes come linked with a video where you’ll see the whole story.