Do You Know What Narutomaki is?

Ramen Noodles
Photo by ezumeimages/Depositphotos

If you’ve ever ordered ramen, a noodle dish, or maybe even another type of Japenese dish, you might have seen a pink and white swirly little disk on your plate. A lot of people in the western world don’t know what it is, so if you don’t either, you’re not alone! But, if you love Japanse food, it’s important to learn about it.

This swirly ingredient is called narutomaki, and it’s a type of cured fish that is similar to imitation crab meat in the way it’s made. Narutomaki is also shortened sometimes to naruto, and swirling shape is actually supposed to mimic the whirlpools in the Naruto Strait in Japan.

Narutomaki’s were first invented sometime in the 19th century, and they are now super popular in many different Japenese dishes, especially in ramen and soba. No one knows exactly why it started to grace so many dishes in Japan, but it probably was the way Japan started getting into it’s very aesthetically centered food, like rice bowls that look like animals, that you can now experience in many different places.

No matter how it came about, narutomaki is such a fun and special garnish to have alongside your favorite meal!