How to Make Delicious Freshly Cured Lox at Home

Smoked Salmon
Photo by Nadin on Pexels

Lox, a type of cured salmon, is a delicious addition to a cream cheese bagel and a great way to elevate your breakfast game. While this dish might seem fancy, it’s surprisingly easy to make at home. Here’s a quick guide. 


  • Fresh salmon filet
  • Coarse salt
  • White sugar
  • Optional flavorings: dill, lemon zest, or peppercorns

The Curing Process

  1. Combine equal parts of coarse salt and sugar. You can add your optional flavorings to this mix for an extra dimension of flavor.
  2. Cover the salmon filet with the salt-sugar mixture thoroughly on all sides. Wrap the coated salmon tightly in plastic wrap or place it in a zip-lock bag. Put it on a tray and refrigerate. To ensure even curing, place a weighted object, like a small cutting board with a few cans on top, over the wrapped salmon.
  3. The salmon should cure in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, but no more than 72 hours. Every 12 hours, flip the salmon to ensure even curing.
  4. After the curing period, remove the salmon from the refrigerator. You will notice that the fish feels firmer. Unwrap it and rinse off the cure with cold water, then pat dry with paper towels. From there, slice and enjoy this delicious treat.