How To Properly Wash Fruits and Vegetables

Washing vegetables
Photo by Tyson on Unsplash

It’s no secret that most vegetables purchased at grocery stores and vegetable stands need a good wash before eating them. Even if your produce is organic and wasn’t sprayed with pesticides, there is still a chance that there is harmful residue and dirt that you’ll want to remove before eating. Here are a few tips for properly washing your produce. 

Rinse Under Running Water

For most produce, the first step is to rinse it thoroughly under cold, running water. Hold each item under the water and gently rub the surface with your fingers.

Use a Vegetable Brush

For items with thicker skins, like potatoes or cucumbers, or those with crevices, like broccoli or cauliflower, you might want to use a vegetable brush to scrub the surface and remove any remaining dirt. 


If you want to be extra thorough, as a final step soak your produce in a diluted solution of white vinegar (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water). Vinegar is great at reducing bacteria and also helps remove any leftover dirt. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse everything under cold water to wash off the vinegar taste. 

From there, dry with a paper towel and you’re good to go!