Making Cold Brew Coffee at Home is Easy

Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

When the weather is warm and you just don’t want to drink a hot cup of coffee, cold brew is the perfect option to give you the coffee taste and the caffeine boost that you want.

While most of us opt to go to a coffee shop that has pre-made cold brew ready for us to order, it’s actually super simple to make this refreshing drink at home! Here’s how.

What You’ll Need

  • Cold Water
  • Coarsely-ground coffee
  • A container
  • Cheesecloth


To start off, you’ll want to use one ounce of coarsely-ground coffee beans for every cup (8 oz) of water that you use. So, if you want to make a quart (64 oz) of cold brew, you’ll have to use four ounces of coffee!

Start off by taking a recipient that’s large enough for the quantity of cold brew that you’re going to make and pouring in the cold water. Next, you’ll want to add in the coarsely ground coffee beans and stir.

You’ll then cover the recipient with cheesecloth, using a rubber band to secure it along the edges of the opening. Put the recipient in the refrigerator for 12 hours to let the cold brew “steep.”

Finally, after 12 hours, take out the recipient. Use the cheesecloth that was covering the opening to strain the cold brew coffee from the grounds that have been created, placing another container under the flow of the coffee.

That’s it! Your cold brew is ready to drink. Keep it cold in the fridge, and enjoy!