The Key To Making 20 Minute Meals

Image by Werner Heiber from Pixabay

It is so rare that you come home from work and decide to make an elaborate meal for dinner. Although that’s the dream, most people only want to spend a few minutes making food, which might not seem like enough time to make something healthy and flavorful.

However, you can do so much in just 20 minutes, so you can get yourself a healthy plate of food that’s also quite scrumptious.

Combine Homemade and Store-Bought

Ideally, everything we eat should be homemade, because it’s normally healthier, and usually saves us money. However, the most realistic option combines both worlds.

If you’re making pasta, try to make your own pesto, so you can add in lots of veggies and greens. If you’re making a soup, throw in scraps into a pot first and make your own quick broth and then add in canned or frozen items to it.

Prepare Beforehand

The best way to avoid unhealthy meals is by prepping some key items at the beginning of the week that you can re-purpose for many meals. Roast a whole chicken or boil some beans that can be used in multiple dishes.

Quick Cooking Items

Knowing how long ingredients take to cook is so key to 20-minute dinners. For example, a salmon can be roasted completely in about 12-15 minutes, so it’s a great option for dinner. Canned beans are already cooked so they only need a few minutes to reheat.