Try the Best Vegan Matcha Cheesecake

Matcha has been super trendy lately. This vegan matcha cheesecake is so creamy that you’ll instantly fall in love with the recipe. You can find everything you need for this cheesecake below!


For the crust:

  • 50 g vegan butter, melted
  • 150 g vegan digestive biscuits
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

For the filling:

  • 80 ml agave nectar or maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 120 g raw cashews
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon organic matcha powder
  • 200 g vegan cream cheese
  • 120 ml almond milk
  • 60 ml coconut oil
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Selamat Sore 🤗 Tadi malam nyicil bikin kue yang tidak menggunakan oven lagi… ini bikin nya gampang banget ya moms, cuma mesti sabar karna disimpan disuhu kulkas lumayan lama, bisa sambil ditinggal dan kerjakan yg lain 😁 UNBAKED MATCHA CHEESECAKE Matcha powder & Vanilla bean paste from @findfuko diskon 10% untuk pembelanjaan via website di 😊 – UNBAKED MATCHA CHEESECAKE Made by 💚 Bahan Crust : 150 gr Biscuit Marie Regal (hancurkan sampai halus) 90 gr Unsalted butter (lelehkan) Campur remahan biskuit yg sdh halus dengan butter, aduk rata. Lalu padatkan didasar loyang bongpas 20cm, simpan dikulkas minimal 2 jam 💚 Bahan vanilla cheese cake (putih) : 3 sdm Air panas 1 sdm Gelatin bubuk 250 gr Cream Cheese 70 gr Gula halus 200 ml Whipped cream kocok kental 1/2 sdt Vanilla bean paste @findfuko Cara membuat : 1. Kocok cream cheese & gula sampai larut, masukkan vanilla bean paste dan kocok sampai rata. Sisihkan 2. Wadah lain, campur air panas & gelatine, aduk rata hingga larut kemudian tuang larutan gelatin kedalam wadah creamcheese, kocok kembali hingga rata 3. Masukkan whipped cream yg sdh kental, lalu kocok kembali sampai rata 4. Tuang keatas permukaan crust yg sdh dibiarkan 2 jam, masukkan kekulkas selama 30 menit. Lanjut buat lapisan matcha cheesecake 💚 Bahan matcha cheesecake sama dengan yang lapisan putih. Vanilla bean diganti dgn 1 sdm Matcha bubuk Tuang lapisan hijau keatas permukaan vanilla cheesecake Masukkan kembali kekulkas sekitar 1 jam 💚 Bahan Greentea Chocolate : 150 gr White chocolate compound 150 ml Whipcream cair 1 sdm Matcha bubuk Cara membuat : Panaskan/tim whipping cream,coklat putih,matcha bubuk sampai larut dan tercampur rata Tuang keatas permukaan cheesecake yang sudah mengeras. Kemudian tutup dengan cling wrap & simpan kembali di suhu kulkas sampai mengeras Selamat Mencoba 🤗 – #unbakedmatchacheesecake #matchacheesecake #greenteacheesecake #cheesecake #greentea #matcha #dessert #cakedankue #cake #cakes #foodstagram #foodphotography #linagui_unbakedcheesecake

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  1. Prepare a baking tin with cooking spray or baking paper.
  2. Crush 150 g digestive biscuits into crumbs and place them in a bowl. Combine them with the melted butter and mix very well.
  3. When the dough is done, place it on the baking tin, using pressure. Leave the tin in the fridge for half an hour.
  4. For the filling, fill a pan with water. Add the cashews and wait for the water to start boiling.
  5. Continue cooking the cashews for 20 minutes.
  6. Wait for the water to cool down a little, then transfer the cashews into a blender.
  7. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend to get a smooth paste.
  8. Top the base with the filling and place the tin in the fridge for at least 8 hours. Decorate the matcha cheesecake with your favorite toppings.