Use Your Apple Scraps To Make Apple Cider Vinegar!

Apple cider vinegar is used in everything from marinades and vinaigrettes to detox drinks and medicinal uses. Apple cider vinegar gives you slightly more punch than regular vinegar, but still has a hint of sweetness from the apples. What’s incredible about apple cider vinegar is that you can actually make it at home by using apple cores and scraps so nothing gets wasted.


For homemade apple cider vinegar, you will need apples or apple scraps, filtered water, and either cane sugar or raw sugar. You will also need a large jar and some cheesecloth.


  1. Clean the jar well with hot water.
  2. Put the apple scraps and cores into the jar. If using regular apples, cut them into small pieces.
  3. Dissolve the sugar into one cup of the filtered water.
  4. Pour the sugar water over the apples, along with extra filtered water so the apples are totally covered.
  5. Cover the jar with cheesecloth and secure with a rubber band.
  6. Leave the jar in a cool dark place for about 3 weeks.
  7. After three weeks, strain the mixture and discard of the apples.
  8. Leave the cider vinegar to continue fermenting for another few weeks but taste it so you know when it’s to your liking.
  9. Transfer to another jar and enjoy!–/?tagged=homemadeacv