Want to Cook a Steak Like Courteney Cox?

Courteney Cox in 2020.
Courteney Cox in 2020. Photo by Lexie Moreland/WWD/Shutterstock (9934479f)

When she’s not filming or attending Hollywood parties, actress Courteney Cox likes to spend time in the kitchen and share some of her favorite recipes with social media users. That isn’t such a surprise considering Cox played chef Monica Geller for 10 seasons in the iconic sitcom Friends.

Recently, we stumbled upon Cox’s Instagram post in which she shared a steak recipe, and we liked it so much that we had to pass it on to you.

How to Cook a Steak Like Courteney Cox

Cox kicks things off by explaining that the recipe isn’t actually hers. She got it from musician Brandi Carlile, but it was so good that she tossed her old steak recipe and started using this one.

The recipe calls for New York or Ribeye steaks. You line the steaks in a deep pan and drizzle them with some truffle oil. If you don’t have truffle oil, olive oil will do just fine.

Next, season the steaks with a generous amount of salt and pepper before dusting them with brown sugar and finely ground coffee. The latter got us surprised as well, but it apparently works. All that’s left to do is grill the steaks for 2-3 minutes on each side, let them sit a bit, and dig in.

Note that Cox pairs her steaks with mashed cauliflower and asparagus, but you can have any side dish you like. Or none at all; it is up to you.