What’s the Difference Between Camembert and Brie?

Image by Anna Lebed / Pixabay

There’s nothing like a good cheese platter at the end of a hard day. If you’ve ever gone to a cocktail party and seen a couple gooey-looking cheeses on a board and not known what they were, you most likely you saw a brie and a Camembert. While they look a lot alike and have some of the same properties, they really are two distinct cheeses, which should both be enjoyed in different applications.



Brie is said to have been created first of the two cheeses, and the main difference in the composition of the cow’s milk cheese is that extra cream is added to it during the process, sometimes so much the brie is categorized as triple cream. The taste of brie is super buttery and rich, but very mild and takes on different flavors very well. Brie is also sold by the wedge, because a wheel of brie is quite large.


Camembert has a much stronger taste of the two cheeses, so it’s not necessarily as versatile, but still very delicious and super creamy and soft. Camembert is from the Normandy region of France, and a wheel is much smaller than brie, which is why you will find it sold as a whole wheel in the grocery store.