Four Things You Didn’t Know About Rosé Wine

Photo by Justin Aikin on Unsplash

Rose wine is all the rage these days. It is a great alternative to white and red wines, finding a happy middle point between the two. Easy to drink and refreshing, rose satisfies wine lovers all over the world.

Here are four things about rose that you might not have known!

It’s Made from Red Grapes

Rose wine, contrary to popular belief, isn’t a blend of white and red grapes. It’s made from red grapes whose skins are left to macerate only for a limited amount of mine, producing the characteristic color of the wine.

It’s Best to Drink it Soon

While rose wine is delicious, it doesn’t age well. Its chemical composition simply doesn’t lend well to aging. It’s best to drink rose within a couple of years of its bottling date to enjoy it at its best.

The Name? It’s French!

The name that we use in English for this type of fine is actually a loan word from French. In Spanish, for example, it’s known as “vino rosado,” and in Italian, they call it “rosato.”

It’s the Oldest Type of Wine on Earth

When the ancient Greeks and Romans became the first civilizations in the planet to make wine, all that they produced was rose! Why? They used red grapes, but didn’t yet know that leaving the skins in for a longer time would produce what we now know as red wine.