Three Hot Drinks for You to Try This Morning

Photo by 五玄土 ORIENTO 王杉 on Unsplash

Whether you’re trying to wean a coffee addiction or just simply want to drink something new in the morning, there are so many awesome hot drinks that are good for you and taste amazing. Starting your day off right includes hydration, so don’t skip over it! Here are some easy recipes for gorgeous hot morning drinks.

Golden Milk

This is a drink native to India and is called golden milk because of the turmeric used to turn the milk of your choice into a golden yellow! All you have to do is simmer together turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves together with any type of milk you like. You can also use honey and coconut oil if you’d like.

Lemon Detox

Drinking hot lemon juice is a great way to get your digestion moving and to give your body a boost of vitamin C. All you have to do is squeeze some fresh lemon juice into a mug of hot water and you’re done!

Mint Tea

Mint is a huge digestive aid, which is why many cultures drink it after a meal. This is the same for breakfast, plus it makes your mouth feel minty clean after you eat. Just steep some leaves in hot water for a few minutes and you’re good to go!