To Make or to Buy With Gluten-Free Flours

Photo by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash

Gluten-free cooking and baking is getting easier by the day. There are so many great resources online and ingredients at the supermarket. But, when it comes to gluten-free flour, there are some debates. A lot of the time you can make your own flours at home, but sometimes it’s just not the case. Here is a definitive list of which flours to make on your own and which you’re better off buying.

Rice Flour

Rice flour is a really difficult flour to make because of the consistency you need the rice to get to. It requires a special machine, and unless you want to make the investment, you’re better off buying it in the store.

Oat Flour

All oat flour is ground up oatmeal! This you can easily do in a regular blender, so you can absolutely make it at home for probably the same price or cheaper, and have much fresher flour.

Almond Flour

This is a tricky one. Almond flour is not so hard to make at home unless you’re using it for something like macarons which require ultrafine almond flour. To do that, blitz up almonds in a food processor or high-speed blender, sift it, and blend it again. If you don’t have access to cheap almonds though, it might be better to be it at the store.