What Can You Use Homemade Broth For?

Photo by Henrique Félix on Unsplash

Homemade broth or stock is an amazing ingredient to have in your kitchen! Not only does it stretch your dollar by getting your money’s worth from your ingredients, but it also brings so much flavor and makes any meal even healthier. Obviously you can use it to make soups and stews, but if you’ve ever wondered what else you can use it for, check out these dishes!


A lot of times sauces will call for some type of liquid to de-glaze the pan, and using your homemade broth does the job quite well. Not only will it impart more flavor than regular water, but it’s also healthier than wine or any other cooking alcohol.


If you love to make beans or lentils from scratch, you know that it’s much healthier and cheaper than buying them in a can. However, to make your beans and legumes even more flavorful, use homemade broth to cook them in instead of regular water! The beans will soak up all that delicious-ness without adding any extra ingredients.


Making rice, quinoa, couscous, or any other grain is another way to use up homemade broth. As the grains cook, they absorb the beautiful liquid making them tender and bursting with flavor.