
All About Aquafaba

We know this sounds super weird but bear with us because you’ll be happy you did. Meringues are the foundations of a good pavlova, the fluffiness in a light chocolate mousse, and the very essence...

3 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With a Panini Press

Panini presses are a very common kitchen accessory nowadays. Consisting of two “grill pieces” that go on top and under the food to cook it, these grills are most commonly used in order to make...

If Your Crème Brûlée Isn’t Turning Out How You Like, See If These Tips...

Crème brûlée is a yummy and easy dessert to make, but if you don't have the right recipe or follow every step exactly, it won't come out how you like. But, to get it right...

This Trick to Grilling Zucchini is a Total Game Changer

Zucchini and other summer squashes are very common vegetables to throw onto the grill since they're both seasonal and are easily grilled. However, after a few cookouts, you definitely get tired of the same grilled...

We’re Nuts About These Nut Butters

Peanuts have held the stake where nut spreads are concerned for a long time, even though it's actually a legume! With legumes being struck off the menu for many diets these days, peanut butter as the...

Should You Be Cooking with Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is considered a staple both in the kitchen and among your beauty products. Though it certainly is great for solving dry skin and frizzy hair problems, does it really have a place among...

Three Things You Didn’t Know You Could Grill

If there’s anything that I strongly associate with summer, it has to be the grill. These outside cooking devices are best enjoyed with a beer in hand on a warm day. While hamburgers and chicken might...

Homemade Whipped Cream is So Much Better than Store-Bought

Have you ever tried whipped cream that wasn’t from a store-bought container? If you have, you probably know that the homemade version is so much richer and more delicious than the commercial version. It’s definitely...

3 Things You Should Know About Peanut Butter & Jelly

A peanut butter jelly sandwich is a favorite snack of millions of people. Here are 3 things you probably didn’t know about it. It’s Pretty Healthy Two tablespoons of peanut butter will give you 190 calories, 7 grams...

How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Produce Bags

We have many reasons not to love plastic bags. They are bad for the environment and often so thin they rip as soon as you put something in them. But sometimes the produce section of...

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