Discover Food from Around the World

Amba is a Delightful Mango Sauce You Need to Try

Amba is an awesome Israeli sauce comes from Iraqi jews, and is used for lots of different sandwiches and pitas, and it’s super great to have in your fridge! Ingredients  4 large mangoes3 tablespoons of  kosher salt3...

Want to Learn to Cook Like You’re in Victorian England? Check This Out!

With the advent of television series and media productions such as “Downton Abbey” and a renewed cultural interest in 19th century England, it’s not surprising that more and more people are looking to learn about...

Oscar Mayer Announces New Hot Dog Ice Cream Sandwich

Meat and cold cut production company Oscar Mayer announced that, in collaboration with il laboratorio del gelato, they will be creating a hot dog ice cream sandwich with hot dog bits. The “Ice-Dog” will be available...

Taking a Look at Spain’s Best Beers

You might think of wine when you think of Spain, but the truth is that this European country also makes a fair share of beer. In fact, despite having little fame outside of its own...

Spaghetti is Germany’s Weirdest Dessert

Have you ever seen or heard about a strange German dessert called “Spaghettieis” before? If not, prepare to laugh. This delicacy in Germany’s name refers to Italian pasta, it’s true, but this dessert doesn’t have any...

You Need to Try These Classic Ballpark Snacks

Ah, there’s nothing more American than a baseball game in the middle of summer. The United States’ favorite pastime includes home runs and strikeouts, but baseball stadium food is also an integral part of the...

This Vietnamese Noodle Salad is Fresh and Filling

Vietnamese noodle salad, or bun cha, is an awesome way to get in all your food groups in one delicious bowl! This dish can be eaten hot or cold and is a great meal prep...

Here’s Where to Get the Best Falafel in the World

Craving really good falafel? You might have to buy a plane ticket. According to the BBC, the country with the best falafel in the world is… Egypt. The origins of the chickpea balls remain contentious. While...

You Can Make This Incredible North African Spice Blend at Home

Ras El Hanout is a North African spice blend used often, especially in Moroccan cooking. The translation from Arabic is head of shop, or top shelf in other words. This spice blend can work with...
Ramen Noodles

Do You Know What Narutomaki is?

If you've ever ordered ramen, a noodle dish, or maybe even another type of Japenese dish, you might have seen a pink and white swirly little disk on your plate. A lot of people in...

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