
Instant pot

Thinking About Buying an Instant Pot? Here Are 4 Reasons You Should

Instant Pot might seem like an unnecessary investment, especially when you see the prices for brand models. However, you could argue that the price is actually too low considering how helpful and efficient this appliance...
Vanilla extract

4 Unique Ways You Can Use Vanilla Extract in the Kitchen

Vanilla extract is at its best when used for baking and desserts. However, did you know that this ingredient can be used in various other ways in the kitchen? Check out some of them below. Add...
Tempura shrimp

3 Tips for Top Tempura

Alongside sushi and ramen, tempura is a favorite in Japanese cuisine. The crispy, crunchy batter coats everything from seafood to vegetables and has been around since the 16th century. In fact, the concept was introduced by...

Looking to Freeze Apples? Here is The Best Way to Do It

Apples can retain their quality for surprisingly long, especially if you store them in a dark and cold place. However, even if they are tougher than most fruit, not even they will last forever. If you...

Stop Covering Your Sushi With Sauces

Some things in life should be enjoyed as they are. Some foods should be eaten with minimal contribution from external products, such as seasonings or sauces. Sushi, we believe, is one of those such foods....

You Can Be Generous When Cooking With Onions

There's something to be said about the fact that each food reacts differently to applied heat pressure. In many ways, that's the beauty of the culinary arts. You have to get used to all the...
Iced coffee

Improve Your Iced Coffee in 3 Short Steps

If you’re a huge fan of cold beverages, but still can’t resist the delicious taste of coffee, iced coffee is probably your all-time favorite drink. If you don’t want to hit Starbucks every time you...
Cutting board

3 Signs You Should Look for a Replacement for Your Cutting Board

No kitchen is complete without a good-quality cutting board, but there comes a moment when you should replace it. Like all kitchen tools, cutting boards come with an expiration date, and here are three signs...
Mashed potatoes in a bowl

You’ll Make the Best Mashed Potatoes with these Tips

If mashed potatoes are one of your favorite foods, you’re in good company. Whether you prefer them fluffy or creamy, mashed potatoes are the peak of comfort food and one of the best sides around....
Panini press

Make the Most of Your Panini Press in Three Short Steps

If you’re using it the right way, a panini press has the potential of being one of the most useful and versatile kitchen tools in your arsenal. Most people aren’t really making the best of...

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