1,2,3 Meals

The Best Peanut Butter Breakfast Smoothie

Everyone loves smoothies because they are tasty and filling. They come in so many different flavors and do not take any time or expertise to prepare. Smoothies are not only good for your body; they...

Start Your Day With These Gluten-Free Pancakes Fit For Royalty

Bananas are a great way to start your day. They have tons of potassium, a little sugar to kick-start your energy, and are super delicious. Now, turn them into gluten-free pancakes and you have something...

Three-ingredients Chocolate-covered Raisins Recipe

Chocolate-covered Raisins, just as the name suggest, consist of chocolate and raisins. They are sold in bags in supermarkets or by weight in a candy store. They are also very easy to make at home....

Sweet Potato Will Solve You Low-Carb Breakfast Worries

If you are looking to lose some of the carbs in your breakfast and replace them with lots of vitamins and minerals, sweet potato toast is what you need in your life. To make the base,...

A Great White Chicken Chili Recipe

This is an extra-cheesy, a bit spicy, white chicken chili recipe that will take you no longer than 5 minutes to prepare. If you’re in hurry just treat yourself with this great meal. Ingredients: 1 ½...

Fall in Love with Instant Pots and the Best Instant Breakfasts

What is an Instant Pot? Have you heard of these amazing multi-cooking appliances? They combine the most advanced food technology and this pot can just about make your breakfast for you. Well, actually it can. Cook...

Great Healthy Afternoon Snack

Many of us find ourselves ravenous in the mid-afternoon. The problem is, we often reach for fatty, calorie-laden snacks. How about packing your own healthy snack instead. Spirulina Popcorn Ingredients ¼ cup popping corn 1 tablespoon +...

Roast Vegetables Perfectly with these Tips

Although vegetables are healthy and essential, not everyone likes them. If you want to incorporate it into your diet more, then you can try roasting them. This process of cooking makes the edges of the veggies...

Omg! Brownies In a Mug

Yes, you can indulge in this heavenly combination for cold days, or times when you just need a little something sweet and sinful. The method is simple and it’s as easy as mixing your dry...

Easy Peasy Sweet Potato Bar

Sweet potatoes are far healthier for us than ordinary potatoes. Simply bake until soft, split and top with savory or sweet toppings. Toppings: Veggies Bacon Toasted walnuts or pecans Yogurt Hummus Kale Sloppy joe filling Caramelized apple Chopped...

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