Food Trends

Tailgating is One of America’s Best Food Traditions

For many Americans, autumn means that it’s time to start with one of the country’s favorite traditions: tailgating. Before football games, whether played at the collegiate or professional level, a time-honored tradition in this North American...

These Are the Best Countries for Ceviche Lovers

In recent years, a dish called ceviche has become one of the trendiest seafood options around. This citrusy, light, and refreshing dish originated in Central and South America but has now spread to become popular...

This Trending Coffee Drink Isn’t Actually a Coffee

We live in a time when we have an incredible choice of food and beverages available with new stuff coming to stores on a daily basis. Even if you're a person who likes to stick...

Would Seedless Lemons Make Your Life Easier?

In just a few years, 10% of all lemons on the U.S. market could be seedless, according to citrus company Wonderful Company. What are your thoughts on that? How many times have you been annoyed by...

Why You Need to Buy Second-Hand Kitchen Tools

You might already be on the second-hand train and buy your clothes from charity and vintage shops, but have you ever considered filling your kitchen with second-hand kitchen items? While this might sound strange to...

Do You Also Feel That Restaurant Burritos Are Way Better Than Homemade?

In the new video published on October 21st, a guy behind the Youtube channel Internet Shaquille explains why burritos you buy outside, even at the cheapest places, always seem to taste better than the ones...

Why Ezekiel Bread Is All the Rage Right Now

Our knowledge about what’s healthy and what’s not when it comes to food is getting bigger as we speak. More and more people are moving on from white bread to whole grains so it’s not...

The Amazonico Restuarant in Madrid Brings You Closer to Nature

The Amazon rainforest covers a huge area in South America, mostly the territory of Brazil, and it's often referred to as Earth's lungs because of the amount of oxygen it produces. The rainforest inspired the...

The Basque Country’s Best Michelin-Starred Restaurants

Did you know that the Basque Country, located straddling the border between Spain and France, has the highest density of Michelin-starred restaurants of any region on Earth? This gastronomic heavyweight has an incredible total of 36...

You’ll Love This Halloween Treats Instagram

Halloween treats are one of the most popular fall food fashions that you’ll find every October. Originating from the tradition of “trick or treat,” bakers and food experts have now started to make all kinds...

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