

4 Unique Ways to Use Mayonnaise in the Kitchen

We can all agree that mayonnaise is at its best when used in sandwiches, sauces, and dips. However, there is much more to this condiment than people realize. If you are adventurous enough, mayo can...

Channel Your Creativity With These Latke Toppings

Don’t get us wrong—we have nothing against cream cheese and salmon. For centuries, the combo has served as the go-to of latke toppings (followed only by the slightly more controversial applesauce…) and it is nothing...

Alternative Ways to Use a Coffee Grinder That Never Crossed Your Mind

If you enjoy grinding your own coffee to make sure it’s always perfectly fresh, a coffee grinder is probably one of your favorite kitchen tools. Most people use it to grind coffee beans and call...
Soup stock

Make Store Bought Stock Taste Homemade With These Tips

Good soup usually starts with stock. Unfortunately, good stock can take time to make—time which we don’t always have… The easiest solution is to buy some stock from the store and use these tips to...
Zucchini fritters

Make the Most Delicious Zucchini Fritters in Three Short Steps

Fritters are one of the most popular dishes that you can make with zucchini, and it doesn’t hurt their case that they’re extremely easy to make. If you think your fritters are missing something to...
Instant pot

Thinking About Buying an Instant Pot? Here Are 4 Reasons You Should

Instant Pot might seem like an unnecessary investment, especially when you see the prices for brand models. However, you could argue that the price is actually too low considering how helpful and efficient this appliance...
Vanilla extract

4 Unique Ways You Can Use Vanilla Extract in the Kitchen

Vanilla extract is at its best when used for baking and desserts. However, did you know that this ingredient can be used in various other ways in the kitchen? Check out some of them below. Add...
Fried egg on toast

Make Flawless Fried Eggs With This Hack

A fried egg is more than just a breakfast food. Not only are they an egg-cellent source of protein (sorry, we had to), but they also contain important nutrients like vitamin B6, B12, and vitamin...
Salmon on a tray

Make Perfect Salmon Every Time With These Tips

Salmon is a dish so versatile that it is equally as good for a dinner party as it is for supper on a Tuesday night. There are many ways to prepare salmon—from glazing it with...

4 Types of Food You Should Avoid Eating in Cheap Restaurants

There is nothing wrong with eating at cheap restaurants. Sure, you might not be getting top-notch service or fancy dishes, but they will keep you fed at a low cost, and the food is good...

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